Hub-App with Xamarin, Android, Bluetooth, CAN-Bus, CANopen, ...

Well planned is half done

Nufatron AG designs and implements innovative software solutions that enable its customers to master today's challenges in logistics and fleet management. One of its products is called TranSvias. It is a cloud solution for digital logistics and intermodal fleet management.

We were able to offer Nufatron AG support in the implementation of the web application and the Android app.

App, Xamarin, Android, Windows, iOS, C#, .NET Standard, SQLite

App, Xamarin, Android, Windows, iOS, C#, .NET Standard, SQLite
Thomas Felix
Thomas Felix
Dipl. El.-Ing. HTL / Wirtschaftsingenieur NDS FH
Software Engineer
T +41 71 694 55 65

  • Customer benefits
  • Project goals
  • Realization
  • Technology

Customer benefits

We could support our sister company Nufatron in the following points:

  • Our library set enabled us to provide maximum code sharing between mobile app and web application
  • With our know-how we could save development costs and development time